For Patients


Medical Records Request

Medical Records Request | Nashville General Hospital

As a patient, you have the right to obtain your medical records. Medical records are provided at no cost to other healthcare providers or for use in disability determination, Workman’s Comp, Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Department of Human Services. 

You can request medical records by following the following steps:

  1. Complete the Release of Health Information form
    Nashville General Hospital is compliant with the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act and must have a signed and dated authorization to release medical records. Click here to download an authorization form.
  2. Send Request to NGH
    To request by mail, email or fax, an authorization for release of protected health information form must be signed and dated by the patient or patient’s legal representative.
  3. Mail (must include a copy of your government issued ID and completed release form)
    Nashville General Hospital
    Health Information Management
    1818 Albion Street
    Nashville, Tennessee 37208
  4. Email (must include a copy of your government issued ID and completed release form); requests must include all supporting documents
  5. Fax (must include a copy of your government issued ID and completed release form)
    (770) 689-3352; requests must include all supporting documents
  6. In-person or by proxy (must present your government issued ID or have a copy of your government issued ID and completed release form)
  7. Pay and Receive Records
    After we process the request, we’ll mail you an invoice. The cost is based on the number of pages being released and the kinds of records you requested.* Once the invoice is paid, you will receive a copy of your records. Records and scans are stored electronically offsite. The fee for releasing your health records covers the costs of labor, time and resources. The state of Tennessee regulates how much an organization may charge per page. Nashville General Hospital complies with state and federal regulations related to release of medical record information. If you have other questions, call the Medical Records team at (615) 341-4139 Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Health Information Management (Medical Records) is located on the lower level of the tower of Nashville General Hospital.

*The cost for medical records is currently a standard $ .90 set up fee and $.05 per page. You may also purchase a CD of your records for a flat fee of $6.50. 

Preparing for Your Appointment

Preparing for your appointment | Nashville General Hospital

To better serve our patients, we ask that you please bring a few items with you to your appointment. Please bring the following items with you:

  • Your email address (if applicable)
  • Photo identification
  • Insurance Card
  • A copy of the order form from your referring healthcare provider
  • Referring provider information, including name, address and phone number
  • List of medications, including all vitamins, herbal supplements or over-the-counter pills or remedies
  • List of any implanted devices such as pacemakers, implants, or stents
  • Any diagnostic tests or procedures, such as chest x-rays, CT Scans, MRIs, or ultrasounds, please obtain the images or films.

Advanced Imaging for Your Health and Peace of Mind

Call us at (615) 876-5211
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